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Intro to ABCI Sales & Marketing Project Workshops
A Tale of Two Aviation Companies
One is succeeding at social media.
“Our salespeople are seeing more of their prospects on LinkedIn than on trade shows this year.”
“We just found a client from a conversation on Facebook.”
“I was featured in a magazine article after the writer found me on Twitter.”
The other is failing:
“Social media is just SUCH a waste of time!”
“It’s so shallow and unrewarding.”
“We’ve spent a ton of time and money and have no real results to show for it.”
What makes the difference?
Consistent, high-quality content.
As a result of this project, you will have 12 high-quality posts ready to publish (and queued to publish, if you have the tools we recommend!) in a couple of hours. This gives you three months of useful, unique, engaging content to publish to your social media feeds.
We’ll also talk about strategies to maximize your time, and set up routines that make the most of these powerful media while keeping you out of the “black hole” of scrolling.
Proceed to the Course Outline, and let’s get started!
The first lesson is free for everyone.
Course Syllabus
Customize Your ProfileWhat Should I Post?
Why Social Posts?How to Use Social Posts in Your Sales ProcessHow Often & WhenBuilding Great Posts
Intro to CanvaThe InfographicBehind the ScenesTip of the WeekQuotesQ & AMedia, Methods & Tools
Producing Posts in BatchesSchedulingFacebookLinkedInYouTubeTwitterEverything ElseMeasuring Success
AudienceEngagement -