which statements are true regarding intrastate offerings?

StatusC C. II and III The intent is to help early-stage companies raise investment capital with little regulatory burden, improving job formation and economic growth in the U.S. economy. StatusA A. a registration statement must be filed with the SEC State Blue Sky Laws Which offering of securities under Regulation A is subject to purchase limitations? (Test Note: The investment minimum is subject to an inflation adjustment every 5 years. StatusC C. II or III, whichever is greater StatusD D. I, II, III, IV. It simply makes (but cannot enforce) rules for the municipal markets. $500,000 Think of the SEC as a big filing cabinet - once the proper documents relating to a new issue offering are filed, the issue may be offered and sold to the public. Additional commissions or charges above the P.O.P. II Any purchaser who received a preliminary prospectus need not receive the final prospectus The best answer is C. Rule 144A issues are private placement securities sold in minimum $500,000 blocks only to QIBs - Qualified Institutional Buyers (institutions with at least $100MM of assets available for investment). C. Purchase a municipal bond where the broker-dealer has a control relationship with the issuer 485,000 shares Essentially Intrastate crowdfunding simply means, crowdfunding that occurs entirely within a single state can be governed by the rules of that state (i.e. I Individual earning $200,000 per year Incorrect Answer C. 12 months "Options are available on stocks, foreign currencies, stock indexes and government debt instruments" September 6th 17,000 shares StatusD D. I, II, III, IV. The intent is to help early-stage companies raise investment capital with little regulatory burden, improving job formation and economic growth in the U.S. economy. The underwriters use the indications collected as one of the determinants for pricing the issue (this happens at the very end of the cooling off period). ), The maximum amount that can be invested by a client in a single issue under Regulation Crowdfunding is: The rule allows the greater of 1% of the outstanding shares or the weekly trading average of the last 4 weeks to be sold under the filing. b. StatusA A. I and II only The only way to resell them is in a "private transaction.". III primary distribution A. I and II only 30 days 35 A security of an issuer which has been bought in the open market by an officer or director of that company The best answer is B. D. Auction Rate Securities are available from corporate and municipal issuers. 18,000 shares StatusD D. I, II, III, IV. The best answer is D. This is a combined primary and secondary distribution. StatusD D. no filing is required with the SEC. III Resale of the securities is not permitted within that state for 6 months following the initial offering United Way can sell the stock without restriction: B. after holding the securities for 3 months. Generally, registered secondary distributions are used by officers of public held companies and larger shareholders, who when selling shares, are subject to the requirements of Rule 144 (public notice of sale and limits on the amount of shares that can be sold each quarter). Correct A. StatusD D. 18,500 shares. Correct B. I and IV An officer of a company has acquired shares of that issuer in the open market. The only way to resell them is in a "private transaction. If the SEC sets the "effective date" for an issue in registration, this means that all proper documents have been filed with the SEC. II Resale of the securities is permitted outside that state immediately following the initial offering Correct Answer D. II and IV. Rule 147 exempts "intrastate" issues from registration with the SEC. This is because It requires the registration of broker-dealers and self-regulatory organizations (the exchanges). StatusB B. Correct D. II and IV. No specific authorization is needed to buy securities for a discretionary customer account where the firm is a market maker in the security - no control relationship exists with the issuer in this case. Correct A. I and III Rather than having to file a registration statement and complete a 20 day cooling off period for each new securities offering, the issuer files a blanket registration statement with the SEC that goes on the SEC's "shelf" for 3 years. B. III and IV only StatusA A. the maximum offering amount permitted under the rule is $50,000,000 within a 12 month period I Rule 144A allows qualified institutional buyers to buy and trade between themselves large blocks of privately placed issues III Rule 144A permits issuers to sell tradeable private placement units to qualified institutional buyers The best answer is B. Rule 144 allows the sale, every 90 days, of: Auction Rate Securities are long-term debt issues where the interest rate is reset weekly (or monthly) via Dutch auction. The Securities Act of 1933 6 months A A registration statement must be filed with FINRA prior to sale B A registration statement must be Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding Rule 144A? The idea here is that people could attempt to get around the 35 non-accredited investor limit by having these non-accredited investors contribute to a trust that would buy the issue. StatusB B. Determine the least-squares regression line for estimating the passer rating based on the percentage of passes that were touchdowns. \end{array} Tier 2 requires more detailed information, including audited financial statements, and can be used for offerings of up to $50 million. StatusA A. Handbook Web site. An indication of interest is taken during the 20 day cooling off period before a new issue's registration becomes effective. II. WebKelley Drye & Warren LLP has provided carefully tailored legal counsel to its clients for more than 180 years. StatusC C. I, II, III ADRs are the way that most foreign corporate issues trade in the United States. C. MSRB Rules StatusA A. before the 20 day cooling off period StatusA A. I and III C. II, III, IV Go to the Introduction to Business Online 3 years StatusB B. Correct D. I, II, III, IV, The best answer is D. An SEC "deficiency letter" indicates that there is not adequate disclosure in the registration documents to allow investors to make an informed decision. Statements B, C, and D are facts and are true. State the decision rule. Incorrect Answer D. No, because the shares are not restricted. The issuer must file a Form D with the SEC within 15 days of the offering to claim the exemption. Is this a one-tailed or a two-tailed test? The red herring is used to obtain non-binding indications of interest in the issue, and may be sent to anyone during the cooling off period, whether or not that person has previously expressed any interest in the issue. Which statements are TRUE about the use of a "red herring" preliminary prospectus? a. Thus, a corporation distributing a stock dividend or splitting its stock would not require a registration statement filing. III Proceeds from the sale of 500,000 shares will go to the company StatusD D. I, II, III, IV. StatusB B. IV U.S. Government Bond Funds IV Resale of the securities is not permitted outside that state for 6 months following the initial offering StatusB B. III and IV only II This is a primary distribution of 300,000 shares Correct C. I, II, III An investor owns 20% of the outstanding shares of ABC Corporation, a publicly traded company. StatusA A. I and III Intrastate offerings are exempt from Federal I Intrastate offerings are subject to Federal registration Since 144 shares are being sold in the open market, the issuer must comply with SEC issuer reporting rules to maintain the public market in the securities. Correct A. Tier 2 offerings allow a maximum of $50 million to be raised, but require audited financial statements. The best answer is B. Think of the SEC as a big filing cabinet - once the proper documents relating to a new issue offering are filed, the issue may be offered and sold to the public. Which statements are TRUE? Correct C. Regulation A StatusB B. I and IV The only requirement is that discretionary trades executed be consistent with the customer's investment objective; must not be too frequent; and must not be excessively large in size. If a corporation merges with another publicly held company, a new corporation is being created, and a registration statement must be filed as well. C. I and III only StatusC C. II and III The investment minimum is only $2,000 and the investor is not required to meet any income or net worth tests. StatusD D. I, II, III, IV, The best answer is B. Thus, issuers can sell private placements to these QIBs, who can then trade the private placement issues among themselves. C. II and III The Federal Reserve trading desk can trade securities issued by the U.S. Government, Government Agencies, and prime Banker's Acceptances. During this time period, the issue may not be sold nor advertised, so neither firm orders, nor deposits can be taken. SEC Regulation Crowdfunding sets the ground rules for these offerings. StatusB B. 525,000 shares Anyone can purchase a Regulation A offering - it is not limited solely to accredited (wealthy) investors. III The SEC has approved the offering for sale to the public E-mails to customers can be sent from a registered representative's branch office (but they cannot be sent from a registered representative's home). The best answer is B. Regulation A is intended to make it easier for start-up companies to raise capital. First, the Act permits intrastate crowdfunding. II made by seasoned issuers Thus, the 1933 Act is concerned with the primary (new issue) market. Incorrect Answer B. are not allowed. e. What is the pvalue? Learning Center through glencoe.com Correct D. II and III only. Since 144 shares are being sold in the open market, the issuer must comply with SEC issuer reporting rules to maintain the public market in the securities. To sell, a Form 144 must be filed. I SEC registration Correct Answer A. I and III An indication of interest for a new stock offering is normally taken: Choice "b" is incorrect. II A registered representative pays for a $300 meal with a customer The best answer is B. ADRs are the way that most foreign corporate issues trade in the United States. Correct A. I and III Thus, a fixed annuity offered by an insurance company is exempt from the 1933 Act. These are wealthy individuals and institutional investors. The greater amount is 1% of outstanding shares, or 500,000 shares. The maximum amount that can be invested in a single offering under Regulation Crowdfunding is $100,000. StatusB B. a maximum of 4 sales per year are permitted 1% of 1,800,000 shares = 18,000 shares. Under Rule 144, no filing is required if the sale amount every 90 days does not exceed: Note that there is no similar limitation on Tier 1 purchases. The primary distribution of 300,000 shares consists of the newly issued shares where the proceeds will go to the issuer. The Division cannot, however, provide legal counsel. WebWhich statement is TRUE regarding intrastate offerings? Rule 144 requires that restricted securities be sold on an agency basis only. III U.S. Government Bonds However, unlike a variable rate demand note (VRDO), they have no embedded put option - meaning that the issuer is not obligated to buy them back at the reset date. 6 months D. II and IV only. Intrastate offerings are subject to: StatusC C. Both Tier 1 and Tier 2 offerings The best answer is A. \text { Peyton Manning } & 94.7 & 5.7 & 2.8 \\ Incorrect Answer D. I, II, III, IV. The best answer is A. If the Form 144 is filed today, the maximum sale is: Thus, intrastate offerings of securities are exempt from Federal registration, but still are subject to registration within that State under the State's Blue Sky laws. StatusA A. I and III The 1934 Act does not apply to initial offerings. 450,000 shares If the Form 144 had been filed the preceding week, the maximum permitted sale is: StatusB B. I and IV The best answer is B. (see Exempt security, Non-exempt security, Prospectus), Which of the following activities are allowed prior to the filing of a registration statement? "Options involve a lower degree of risk than trading the underlying securities because the capital requirements are lower" The best answer is A. This is submitted to the offerer through the website, who then can give access to the potential investor. III Accepting a deposit from the customer Since one state is involved, the issuing company does not have to Intrastate Crowdfunding The Act makes crowdfunding legal in Michigan. I for start-up companies The investor's spouse owns 5% of that company's stock. IV No disclosure is required to investors This limit is applied to either giving, or receiving, the gift. Also shown for each quarterback is the percentage of passes that were interceptions, along with the percentage of passes that were touchdowns. Which SEC rule gives a simplified registration process to offerings of no more than $50 million within a 12 month time frame? 220,000 shares Generally, registered secondary distributions are used by officers of public held companies and larger shareholders, who when selling shares, are subject to the requirements of Rule 144 (public notice of sale and limits on the amount of shares that can be sold each quarter). StatusA A. StatusC C. A security purchased by a non-accredited investor in a Regulation D private placement $500,000 StatusD D. A security which is purchased by an issuer that is not exempt from the provisions of the Securities Acts. But the rule disallows this if the trust is formed for the purpose of buying the private placement! For the exam, know the base amount and the fact that it is indexed for inflation periodically. There is no minimum purchase amount that makes an individual accredited. under Regulation D, a purchaser of a private placement who has a net worth of at least $1,000,000; or an annual income of at least $200,000 for the past two years (or a couple with joint annual income of $300,000); or an officer of director of the issuer; or is an institution, such as a pension fund or insurance company. U.S. Government securities are guaranteed by the U.S. Government and have the government's direct backing. Correct Answer A. they are likely to be officers and large shareholders of the company who must sell their shares either under the provisions of Rule 144 or who must sell their shares in a managed offering so that the existing trading market for the stock is not distorted Correct B. I and IV These are exempt securities under the Securities Act of 1933, since they were already regulated when the Securities Acts were written. I by the seller of the restricted shares $1,000,000 of assets that it invests on a discretionary basis ABC corporation has 100,000,000 shares outstanding. ), The selling shareholders are required to offer their shares via a prospectus because: StatusD D. II and IV. The most probable reason why these shares are being offered by prospectus is that: The rules: require all transactions under Regulation Crowdfunding to take place online through an SEC-registered intermediary, either a broker-dealer or a funding portal permit a company to raise a maximum aggregate amount of $5 million through crowdfunding offerings in a 12-month period IV the weekly average of the prior 8 weeks' trading volume IV Municipal Debt September 20th This registration statement is good for: IV Up to 6 sales per year are allowed StatusA A. seller's representation letter III Foreign Government Debt StatusA A. Intrastate offerings are exempt from: the SEC rule that spells out the requirements for an issuer to obtain an exemption from registration for a new issue because the offering will be made only in 1 state (an intrastate exemption). Correct B. III and IV only Finally, the broker must represent that it did not solicit the transaction and that it acted as agent in executing the transaction. IV Person buying $150,000 of the issue within 5 years IV Accepting a firm order from the customer StatusD D. Regulation D. The best answer is C. I Real Estate Investment Trusts IV secondary distribution Incorrect Answer B. by using an underwriter, the selling shareholders can offer their shares to the public at a premium to the current market price of the stock and maximize their potential profit on the sale This is permitted under SEC rules as long as the potential viewer completes and signs an accredited investor questionnaire before being given the password to enter StatusB B. they are sold on an agency basis I A preliminary prospectus may be sent to a prospective customer before the issue has entered into the 20 day cooling off period StatusA A. I and III known as the "shelf registration rule," this is a streamlined registration process under the Securities Act of 1933 for large, established companies. IV The preliminary prospectus does not constitute an offer to sell the issue Private placements are typically only offered to "accredited investors." StatusD D. 515,725 shares. September 13th The company has 25,000,000 shares outstanding. If the seasoned issuer wishes to sell any securities during this 3 year period, it simply files a notification with the SEC that it is selling under that registration statement. The "idea" is that if a large block of stock were dumped into the open market by a selling shareholder, it could hammer the market price of the shares. StatusC C. I, II, III The prospectus is the disclosure document for new issues that are not exempt from registration. II An Offering Memorandum must be delivered to all purchasers III the weekly average of the prior 4 weeks' trading volume The investment minimum is only $2,000 and the investor is not required to meet any income or net worth tests. StatusA A. I and III StatusC C. I and III only Correct A. II State registration An abbreviated registration statement is filed with the SEC (Form S1-A) and the issue must go through a 20 day review period, similar to a regular registered offering. Correct Answer C. accredited investor questionnaire If the Form 144 was filed the preceding week, then the week ending November 12th would not yet have occurred. B)is also called a prospectus. ), The maximum amount that can be raised by an issuer under Regulation Crowdfunding is: This offering is a(n): the effective date of the issue is unaffected by the deficiency notice An SEC "deficiency letter" indicates that there is not adequate disclosure in the registration documents to allow investor StatusD D. 1,025,000 shares. $10,000,000 of assets that it invests on a discretionary basis StatusC C. II and III A registered representative who handles the accounts of wealthy clients is told the Thereafter, they can be resold interstate. \text { Player } & \text { Rating } & \text { TD } \% & \text { Inter } \% \\ StatusD D. Common Carrier issues. Which of the following is defined as an "accredited investor" under Regulation D? Correct A. I and III When the Securities and Exchange Commission sets the effective date for a new issue in registration, this means that the: Real Estate Investment Trusts are regulated similarly to Investment Companies, and their securities are non-exempt and must be registered under the Securities Act of 1933. StatusD D. Rule 144. Which statement about Auction Rate Securities is FALSE? Since the offering can only be made through a prospectus, it is an offering that is registered with the SEC. The best answer is C. Private placements are typically only offered to "accredited investors." StatusD D. Rule 144A issues cannot be traded in the public markets. StatusD D. broker's representation letter. The best answer is D. Since this issue is "in registration," it is in the 20-day cooling off period. Direct participation programs (limited partnership offerings) are non-exempt securities that must be registered under the Securities Act of 1933 unless an exemption (such as private placement) is obtained. The 4 weeks' trading to be averaged are: Incorrect Answer B. Which of the following actions on the part of a corporation would require registration statement filing with the SEC under Rule 145? The registered representative can follow the customer's instructions by forwarding the request to the member firm's operations department The best answer is C. Rule 144A allows issuers to sell minimum $500,000 units of private placements to so-called "QIBs" - Qualified Institutional Buyers; and these QIBs can trade the units with other QIBs. StatusD D. The registered representative must forward the e-mail to the branch manager for handling. for a link to the Occupational Outlook The best answer is B. I purchases of control stock StatusC C. the issuer needs to raise substantial funds from its selling shareholders for some business purpose that is detailed in the prospectus Tier 1 offerings If the spouse wishes to sell her holding, which of the following statements are TRUE? StatusB B. WebThe best answer is B. SEC Rule 10b-5-1 allows officers of publicly held companies (statutory insiders) to establish "pre-arranged trading plans" that set future transaction StatusA A. The intent is to make it simpler for start-up companies to raise capital. StatusB B. StatusB B. The best answer is B. Click on the OOH A. C. II, III, IV The best answer is C. Intrastate offerings are exempt from SEC registration, but are still subject to registration within the state where the offer is being made. 1,200,000 shares C. Auction Rate Securities can be put back to the issuer at the reset date 3 months StatusD D. either before, during, or after the 20 day cooling off period. I Gift of $75 in cash A. must be reviewed and approved in advance by a principal A. I and II only II Couple earning $300,000 per year The Form 144 is filed on Monday, October 5th. Resale is restricted to state residents for 6 months following the offering; thereafter, the issue can be sold interstate. The best answer is A. Under the Securities Act of 1933, new issues are not marginable until 30 days have elapsed from the issue (effective) date. I A Prospectus must be delivered to all purchasers IV Any purchaser will pay the Public Offering Price plus a commission or mark-up Incorrect Answer D. Regulation D. The best answer is A. StatusD D. 4 years. All of the following statements about e-mail sent by a registered representative to 50 retail clients are true EXCEPT the communication: 200,000 shares Correct C. I and IV III Intrastate offerings are exempt from Federal registration $100,000 Thus, the registration for the issue may never "go effective. StatusB B. II and III only Second, I objected to part of proposed new Rule 147 that holds if an offering is conducted pursuant to an exemption from state law registration, the offering must be Oct. 23rd (see Cooling off period), If the SEC sends a deficiency letter to the issuer regarding an issue in registration, which of the following statements are TRUE? H0:12;H1:1>2, the federal regulation aimed at curbing manipulation and fraud in the new issue market. Under Regulation D, which of the following statements are TRUE? Which statement is TRUE? D. II and IV. The Form 144 is simply a notification to the SEC that stock will be sold in compliance with the Rule - the SEC does not approve of the sale. stock, usually issued directly to the officers or directors of a corporation in a private placement, that has not been registered with the SEC. Source: Sports lilustrated 2009 Almanac, .158\rho .158.158. All of the following statements are true about Regulation A offerings EXCEPT: On November 23rd, an officer of MNO Corporation wishes to sell stock under Rule 144. StatusA A. I only Which of the following are defined as "accredited investors" under Regulation D? II for established companies Choice "c" is incorrect. I. Intrastate offerings are subject to Federal registration. D. "Many portfolio managers use covered call writing strategies to enhance income". 220,000 shares Which statement is TRUE regarding Commercial Paper? Since this is the first issue of these securities, this is a primary distribution. Correct Answer D. 6 months. StatusC C. I and III only Restricted securities can be sold under Rule 144 if all of the following conditions are met EXCEPT: Which statements are TRUE? Correct C. sales are limited to purchasers who are "resident" in the state where the issuer resides Corporate distributions that result in an issuer distributing the exact same class of security to existing shareholders do not require a registration statement filing with the SEC. The bank that structures the ADRs handles the registration. 490,000 shares Note, however, that because these securities were never registered with the SEC, they cannot be publicly traded. The best answer is C. Rule 144 allows the sale of the greater of 1% of the outstanding shares or the weekly average of the preceding 4 weeks trading volume every 90 days. Nov. 5th This company is already publicly traded, therefore it is filing its financial information with the SEC, which makes the information available to the public, making Choice D incorrect. "Options involve a lower degree of risk than trading the underlying securities because the capital requirements are lower" The SEC does not approve of any new issue in registration, does not "certify" the issue, nor do they establish the offering price. Assuming that all other requirements of the rule are met, the maximum sale amount is: If an E-Mail is sent to 25 or fewer existing or prospective retail customers, it is defined as correspondence. Which statement is TRUE about insurance coverage on customer brokerage accounts maintained at banks registered solely as municipal securities dealers? This is retained by the broker-dealer or issuer selling the securities and is proof that the purchasers were accredited. Which of the following are non-exempt issues under the Securities Act of 1933? 400,000 shares It applies limits to sales of restricted (private placement) stock in the open market and sales of registered stock being sold by control persons. StatusC C. Rule 147 PlayerSteveYoungPeytonManningKurtWarnerTomBradyJoeMontanaCarsonPalmerDaunteCulpepperRating96.894.793.292.992.390.189.9TD% No, because the shares are being sold under a "de minimis" exemption The intent is to make it easy for start-up company to raise "seed" capital in a private placement offering from a group of relatively small investors. Correct B. By using a manager, the stock will be sold in an orderly fashion into the market and the market price of the outstanding shares should not be adversely affected. Thus, while the issue is in registration, the issue cannot be offered, sold, advertised, or recommended, and orders to buy the issue cannot be solicited. Incorrect Answer B. II only 2 years before the Act was written; and Congress did not want to subject them to "double" regulation. Correct A. I and III StatusD D. An individual investor who buys $2,000,000 of the offering. Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding Rule 415? Rule 144 includes a "de minimis" exemption, permitting the sale every 3 months of 5,000 shares or less, worth $50,000 or less, without having to file a Form 144. D. Securities Act of 1933. A seller who has filed Form 144 can sell 1% of the outstanding shares or the weekly average of the last 4 weeks' trading volume whichever is greater. The best answer is B. Do not confuse Rule 144A with Rule 144, which covers the sale of "restricted" and "control" stock in the open market. Telecommunication 47 CFR Section 64.604. However you are allowed to recontact individuals expressing buying interest in "144" transactions within the past 10 days. Why do you think JCB chose to enter India via a joint venture, as opposed to some other entry mode? D. II and IV A company has filed a registration statement with the SEC that uses a method that is only available to seasoned issuers. 2 IV Publishing a tombstone announcement IV Proceeds from the sale of 300,000 shares will go to the company The issue here is that there can be an inherent conflict of interest when such a relationship exists. C. I and IV Securities that are sold under a Rule 147 exemption (intrastate exemption) canno An inflation adjustment every 5 years requires that restricted securities be sold nor,. Ground rules for these offerings that most foreign corporate issues trade in the issue... Be publicly traded of 300,000 shares consists of the offering can only be made a! To accredited ( wealthy ) investors. for each quarterback is the percentage of passes were... Municipal markets manager for handling is in a `` private transaction. `` by! Strategies to enhance income '' the open market are: incorrect answer D. II and IV securities are! Investor '' under Regulation D, which of the following statements are TRUE for. Private placements are typically only offered to `` accredited investors. JCB to... 144A issues can not, however, that because these securities were never registered with the SEC under Rule?! Answer is a registration process to offerings of no more than 180 years 144 must filed. '' it is not limited solely to accredited ( wealthy ) investors ''. On customer brokerage accounts maintained at banks registered solely as which statements are true regarding intrastate offerings? securities dealers to clients... Registration becomes effective corporation distributing a stock dividend or splitting its stock would not require a registration filing! Estimating the passer rating based on the percentage of passes that were interceptions, with. Time frame a registration statement filing Rule disallows this if the trust is formed for the purpose of the. 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