pros and cons of being an independent voter

If the worker's situation doesn't fit within the rules, the worker is not an IC, regardless of the employer's wishes. To help you network, gain expertise, and receive discounts on insurance and other self-employment expenses, consider joining professional organizations such as the National Association for the Self-Employed. In addition, independent contractors are able to: On the flip side, independent contractors have the added responsibility for all business decisions they make, including decisions that might have important legal and financial consequences. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. But what of Independent candidates? Each of these entities has different legal and tax requirements and benefits. When the holidays roll around and your relatives ask who you voted for, you can smugly say I voted green, or something along those lines, and watch their jaws hit the floor. Even if I choose to support a Republican candidate, I have no chance at all of changing the outcome of my states final vote. 1. (Gallup.) They set their own hours, determine where they'll perform the work, and control how they'll get the job done. Yes, a two-party system can be divisive, but it can also allow people (non-Independents) to find their voice in a political community. Drift correction for sensor readings using a high-pass filter. You shouldnt be goaded into voting for someone who you dont believe supports your politics. 1 would be considered an employee because the company has retained most of the control over the means and methods for getting the job done. So a group called Election Justice USA filed an emergency lawsuit. The way you are taxed and the forms you file differ depending on the business entity you've chosen. Sanders suspending his campaign additionally meant Joe Biden would be the Democratic candidate for the 2020 electionthough not officially, as Sanders is still on the primary ballots, but is unlikely to secure votes. We view the status of being independent as having made it, as something to aspire to be. When voters in 2016 were surveyed on why they supported their specific candidate, Clinton or Trump, most responded with the same answer: I dont like either, but Im voting for the lesser evil.. I sort of would rather stay independent, both because it's more honest and because I kind of prefer not to have the moral obligation of participating in primaries, since I generally hate all politics and view political debates as an exercise in saying nothing as prettily as possible. Help you to develop your self-esteem and self-reliance as you learn to live on your own. You must fund your Social Security and Medicare taxes. You'll have complete control over: How your agency operates. Trump's kids cant vote for him in the NY primary. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. I could hardly be an independent if I vote for one party always; I thought that context was pretty explicit, the question doesn't really make sense without the presumption that my vote won't effect presidential elections after all. While its true change happens slowly, we can make that change by being willing to stand up for the working lower class. Unfortunately, Pennsylvania is not one of them. Here are the basic pros and cons of becoming an independent contractor.#. And sure, there may be times where we are sent on by ourselves to face some things alone to build our character. But the best advice I can give is be engaged, know what you care about and vote as often as legal. For Democrats, if you're unaffiliated ("no party preference," in California), you can vote in the Democratic primary. No one else was going to be there for us (or maybe we felt that way), so why should we belittle ourselves to seek out anyones help now? However, they also realize that its necessary to choose a political party, because thats the only way that theyll be able to make an impact. . What does a search warrant actually look like? I actually think the more powerful way to live is that if you want something done right, dont do it by yourself. Politics are not black and whiteelections shouldnt just be about blue versus red, left versus right, Democrats versus Republicansbut about how much we as people are willing to put forward change in this country. Independent contractors are required to pay income taxes on the profits of their business and a self-employment tax (a required contribution to Social Security and Medicare). And its even more than that. And when youre suddenly placed in a larger team where you have to play nice with everyone else, your weaknesses become immediately apparent, as does your reluctance to change. When youre used to playing for one, it didnt matter as much, but if you want to grow and learn to be a team player in any area of life, youre going to need to invite the right feedback in to your life and not be so set on your way of doing life. Maybe without this restriction, even more voters would consider separating themselves from the two party system? What are the pros and cons of mandatory voting? As always, Id like to consider this issue from both sides and have a look at the merits on both sides of the argument. Maybe we dont even think anyone would ever be there for us, and we can have a bitterness or anger towards needing the help of others. But there were problems. Including some celebs, like Emma Stone, Kaley Cuoco, and Demi Moore. If one only discusses political issues with those who hold very similar or identical views how are the wrinkles and weaknesses in ones own arguments identified and addressed? Here too, the type of annual tax return you file depends on the way you've structured your business. All answers are welcome, but I'm the sort of person who spends time on Skeptics, so I love sources and statistics if anyone wishes to include them as well :). They are giving up voting on who gets to represent each party at all. They want a court to grant NY primary voting rights to these people: -Voters who were previously registered but are not registered now.-Voters who were registered Democrat and for some bizarre reason without their knowledge, got re-registered Republican or unaffiliated. About a half million people in California meant to register as independents, but accidentally registered with an ultraconservative party instead. If were so used to doing things our own way, were probably not aware that sometimes our own way isnt actually the right way. Some voters who are of the opposite party might feel as if their vote is unnecessary and unimportant. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, electricians get injured on the job more than other trade skill professionals. because of the party they belong to. On D side, we have Clinton (and not Jessie Jackson) and Gore (and not Dean). However, being an independent contractor can come with more responsibility. At 21 (many years ago) I reasoned that no one party could always have the best candidates or have the perfect plan/platform at every given time. Christians in Politics believes that wherever possible, membership of a political party is not only the most effective way to bring about positive change in society, but also enables the parties themselves to be challenged on issues with which we may disagree and undoubtedly this will involve building relationships with those who may not agree with us. ICs who have formed a corporation file a separate corporate tax return. Independents can not get caught up in this phenomenon. Bernie Sanders was a Democrat in name only. Being an independent contractor can be rewarding since it offers you the ability to be your own boss, choose which clients to work for, and allow you to work from home. I would appreciate any materials you might suggest to let me explore this further. You no longer have to be labeled. Sanders had been pegged by many Democratic voters as too socialist, loud and abrasive, along with many other words. I also wonder if the primary voting restriction rules were implemented by party politicians to improve their own reelection chances. Its definitely a good thing to be able to take care of yourself. When youve been independent so long, it can be hard to change your mindset to incorporate others. Voting has become a toxic act where people are told, if you dont vote for our candidate, you dont belong to our party. Why should people have to vote for someone they dont believe in and dont support? Volume: hotel chains, due to their standard and extensive offer, benefit from economies of scale due to the expansion of their business and the reduction of costs for bulk purchases and management. It Continue Reading Sponsored by Sane Solution document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The benefits of being a registered independent. You can vote for whoever you want to. We no longer have left and right, blue and red, Democrats and conservatives, but rather three parties, with progressives and socialists forming their own sphere. Being independent means you no longer have to explain away the crazies in your party, or explain rampant corruption, or sleazy behavior among party members. Independent contractors (often referred to as "ICs") are workers who are self-employed. Why? Pro #1: It usually means you can take of yourself I think it's great that we learn to stand on our own two feet. 8 Ways To Be Physically Distant But Socially Connected, My Problem With How We Worship Being Single, 5 Emotional Games We Need To Stop Playing, Uh Oh, Nintendo: 5 Reasons The Switch Isnt Looking Great. We dont want to have to rely on anyone else for anything to have need on anyone else for anything is seen to be a great weakness. Here are some cons to working as an electrician: 1. Why was the nose gear of Concorde located so far aft? Pros and Cons of Working as an Independent . There is no stigma to being independent. But their name doesn't sound right-wing -- it sounds independent. Again anecdotally, the independent vote in Florida tends to either lean Libertarian, or strongly leftist-progressive. Independent candidates in national elections often focus on a single issue, or a narrow range of issues. Let this be a lesson for all: learn your local election laws! Being a registered voter in Pennsylvania makes me want to be registered under a party so I can vote in the primaries. Does Cast a Spell make you a spellcaster? Unlike W-2 employees, a 1099 independent contractor is responsible for his or her own taxes, retirement savings, and health insurance coverage. However, being your own boss can have downsides, too. Applications of super-mathematics to non-super mathematics, Is email scraping still a thing for spammers, How to choose voltage value of capacitors. Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. The deadline to change parties was last October 9th -- more than six months ago. Anyone who is self-employed is an IC. The problem with doing everything yourself is that you only have the resources and investment of one person to accomplish things. Workers are generally considered independent contractors when: Some states like California impose more stringent requirements for classifying workers as independent contractors, and lawmakers at the state and federal levels change or add new tests from time to time. Independent voters are outgrowing Democratic and Republican voters 2:1 in the last 2 presidential cycles. Setting up your own business as an independent contractor requires an investment of time and energy, but the risk can pay off handsomely. So hundreds of thousands of people who meant to register as independent, nonaffiliated voters joined this conservative party. Some activists in Arizona are demanding a revote. Over 60,000 Democrats in Brooklyn alone disappeared from the voter rolls. I see positives to this approach, but also downsides in terms of inbred elitism and inner circle mentality in many clubs, which has made me naturally suspicious of them. "Independent Contractor (Self-Employed) or Employee? Graphic designers, truck drivers, gardeners, photographers, accountants, and event planners can all work as independent contractors, provided they meet the federal and state guidelines for classifying them. The Electoral College, the system that elects our president in our people's choice democracy. For some, the opportunity to be their own boss may prove serendipitous, while others may find that the costs of not being an employee are unexpectedly high. The way I see it--even after reading the informative article that Napalm provided--is that the individual has less voting power in an electoral college system. After Sanders suspension, online forums and social media exploded with political disagreement. Here are the pros and cons of independent contracting. Ackermann Function without Recursion or Stack. Primary elections are for electing the candidate the party would like to represent them in the general election. By Trenna Wilson , many on the left rallied against Biden being the Democratic candidate. It is required to be registered as that party to vote in that primary unless they are open primaries, which some states have. You have freedom and flexibility As an entrepreneur, you have a great deal of freedom and flexibility to determine how you work. Two of Donald Trump's adult children, Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump, can't vote for their dad today. Dear Editor, Triangle Productions presentsMe & Tammy The concept that not voting is a vote for the other candidate is largely untrue. By contrast, independent contractors are responsible for paying their taxes directly to the state and federal government. So I'm wondering if there is an advantage to staying true to my actual political views and staying an independent, as opposed to picking one side at random to register as so I can have some sort of say in presidential elections via voting in the primaries. For some, they will want to prophetically call out against the status quo orthe establishment'. Another con of being registered as an Independent is that people feel they have less of if no voice. However, usually if no one else has been interacting with you or looking at your work, you may be completely ambivalent to the things youre not doing right. The concept that not voting is a vote for the other candidate is largely untrue. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, They are paid by the project, not by the hour, week, or month, They work with their own tools and equipment, not those supplied by the company who hires them, They are free to perform work for other businesses, They are free to work at a location and during hours of their choosing (although clients can give independent contractors deadlines for completing the work), They can employ subcontractors for all or part of the work (unless their contract with the hiring firm says otherwise). 2 specific goals, such as how much to spend and when the job must be completed, this event planner remained free to use any means and methods to accomplish those goals. I know I will always do the research on all of the candidates so I can be an informed voter, no matter my registered party and I encourage all of you to do so as well. Best wishes, Gerard. The most successful independent contractors are people who are constantly on the go and take on different projects. The IPC is collating submissions around Council's plans to introduce a precinct model to regulate the short-term rental accommodation . Advantages of being an independent contractor over being an employee include more control since you're your own boss. Another difference between employees and ICs is that employees receive wages or salaries subject to withholding taxes like federal income tax. Involve others. "Fact Sheet 13: Employment Relationship Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). AIP is against same-sex marriage and reproductive rights. Here are some pros and cons of working as an entrepreneur: Pros of being an entrepreneur If you want to be an entrepreneur, here are a few pros to consider: 1. Here are some pros and cons to consider if you want to become an occupational therapist: Pros Occupational therapy is a rewarding career that offers significant benefits for those who enjoy helping others. But both tend to have lower voting turnout than the average voter, particularly in Mid-term elections. John Steven Niznik writes about careers and other job-related topics. Here we offer some initial thoughts on the pros and cons of standing as, or voting for, an Independent candidate. Many people can't wait in line for hours on end to vote, for a range of reasons. Here we offer some initial thoughts on the pros and cons of standing as, or voting for, an Independent candidate. A wave of disappointment washed over democratic voters after Al Gore won the candidacy in 2000, and again in 2016 with Clinton, and its happening again with Biden this year. But before making such a big decision, it's essential to weigh the advantages and disadvantages that becoming a contractor . Secondly, a policy argument: working with others who hold different perspectives has a sharpening effect on policy formulation. It has over 600 members. Is voting worth trading your moral or ethical stance for? How is "He who Remains" different from "Kang the Conqueror"? There are some challenges that are too big for just us. Do you agree or disagree with any of the comments above? Choose the kind of work they take and the companies they work for, Set different terms and pay rates for various clients, and, Own the intellectual property rights to work they create, such as art, music, or software, unless the parties sign a contract that specifies that the works belong to the client company. Let's say there are two event planners, both charged with setting up an annual corporate gathering, including securing a location, hiring the vendors needed, and creating marketing materials to inform the company's employees and business partners about the event. I Shouldnt Have to Change for Love Really? (Thought Co.) Registered independents can not vote in either the Democratic nor the Republican primaries. On top of that, millions of New Yorkers say they didn't miss the deadline. But I did touch on cons of this so I feel justified in bringing this up now. When many people expressed distaste toward voting for Biden over Trump, choosing instead to withhold their vote or vote third party, they were met with a barrage of Democratic supporters repeating the same phrase: V. When voters in 2016 were surveyed on why they supported their specific candidate, Clinton or Trump, : I dont like either, but Im voting for the lesser evil., There is something inherently problematic about voting for a candidate that doesnt back policies you support, expresses behavior that you find inappropriate or undesirable and may not even support your existence solely. Safety concerns. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. We honour all those who are willing to invest time and energy in the political process. , 21 Nov. 2017, You will experience greater privacy and freedom. When I first googled Pros and cons of being an independent, the first title to show up was Become an Independent Voter at your Own Risk (Des Moines Register.) For Californians who mistakenly registered with AIP, here's the bad news: For Republicans, it's a closed primary, so only registered Republicans can vote for a GOP candidate. Do German ministers decide themselves how to vote in EU decisions or do they have to follow a government line? Its just taking away a vote against the worse of two evils of Republican or Democrat that are running in their point of view. Many of Sanders' supporters felt his chances at the presidency had been smeared and interfered with by liberal media and fellow former Democratic presidential candidates. A wave of disappointment washed over democratic voters after Al Gore won the candidacy in 2000, and again in 2016 with Clinton, and its happening again with Biden this year. Aside from Obama (and maaaaybe GWB if you squint hard enough), that wasn't true since Mondale in 1994. It shouldnt be about party allegiance. The truth is though that often we do need others to help us out. My brother actually identifies with the Green party (even though hes only eleven and doesnt know much of anything), and I try to tell him that he wont be politically relevant! Anecdotally, I can tell you that lately, all voters are becoming more and more polarized, and independent-registered voters tend to be less participatory in elections, especially local elections. Others wont want to compromise deeplyheld principles. Recent church culture has encouraged single-issue lobbying more than relational participation in politics. But we need to remember that were not made to do our whole life alone, and that our greatest strength lies in partnering with others and doing it as a team. And that's a major problem. This article was written by Holly Epstein Ojalvo and originally appeared on Kicker. An unscientific observation: New Yorkers who are concerned about being disenfranchised by voter roll problems and by the closed primary system appear to be more likely to be Bernie Sanders supporters. Read our, How To Succeed as an Independent Contractor, The Differences Between Employed vs. Self-Employed, What To Know About Household Employee Taxes, How the IRS Determines Independent Contractor Status, What To Do With an IRS Backup Withholding Notice, What You Need to Know Before You Sign a W-9 Form, Hiring and Paying an Independent Contractor. Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton described the long lines to US Attorney General Loretta Lynch: "Throughout the county, but especially in Phoenix, thousands of citizens waited in line for three, four, and even five hours to vote.". Why don't Democrat or Republican partisans register and vote in swing states? It gives me an image of independents sneaking in to voting booths with a bunch of different silly costumes to vote 10 times an election :), Didn't you know? There are some independent caregivers who enjoy rates of over $15 an hour! Thousands of California voters, including Demi Moore and Emma Stone, register to wrong party . The party is named the American Independent Party. What are the pros and cons? The spectrum of political opinions is far too diverse and wide-ranging to be isolated to two groups that essentially represent the same issues, goals and policies. Ultimately, this system of government has its pros and cons. Its a sense of ownership over your own life, and its great when people are taking responsibility for how theyre feeling and really owning their owndecisions. ICs who have formed a corporation file a separate corporate tax return. I think its great that we learn to stand on ourown two feet. We need prophetic challenge from outside politics but believe we also need to redress the balance and have Christians on the inside, on the spot when events happen. In many cases, there are areas of your life where no one else has been there to look after you. In this regard they are able to campaign for, and draw attention to, a strongly felt issue. It seems primaries are won by being the one that your hard-core party types like the best, which is not always the same as being the one that stands the best chance of actually becoming president. Regardless of the label, all are essentially the same in practice, including a self-employed designation when it comes to U.S. tax purposes. If I were registered Republican or Democrat, I could at least vote in the primaries, and in so doing have a say on which candidates are chosen to compete for the presidency, but as an independent I am not allowed to vote in either sides primaries. Murse, Tom. (Wikimedia Commons). But no matter where you stand on closed primaries, it's clear that millions of New Yorkers who fully intended to vote in the primary and believed they were correctly registered to do so are realizing they can't. , I'm registered currently as an independent. Shifting Priorities Without Losing Them 2022 In Review, 7 Of My Most Notoriously Unpopular Gaming Opinions. This is the biggest pro of being an independent contractor. Voting has become a toxic act where people are told, if you dont vote for our candidate, you dont belong to our party. Why should people have to vote for someone they dont believe in and dont support? The 5 Most Successful Independent Presidential Candidates in History. ThoughtCo, ThoughtCo, 3 July 2019, On the plus side, an open primary lets any registered voter can vote for any candidate. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Ticket smash for [status-review] tag: Part Deux. Opinion: Ann Cudd for President Once you've determined the amount of tax you owe, you can send your payment to the IRS by mail or by making your payment electronically on the IRS website. First, a pragmatic argument: an Independent candidate has rejected the advantages of being part of an established infrastructure and support network. is the mathematical equivalent of not voting. Sure, sounds easy, but changing costumes 13 times in one day to get my 13 votes in is a lot more difficult than it seems! Also, if an Independent candidate runs, they will probably get at least some media attention, again, taking away from the major parties we typically succumb to. On #PrimaryDay, I no longer exist. Once you've decided to go into business for yourself, though, you will have to choose a business structure from among several different options. The freedom and ability to challenge the status quo is an important function of the democratic process. Here are six facts about political independents: 1 Nearly four-in-ten U.S. adults (38%) identify as politically independent, but most "lean" toward one of the two major parties. How to react to a students panic attack in an oral exam? Your email address will not be published. If the county doesn't provide enough polling locations to serve their citizens, is that voter suppression? So be real, most people haven't been to Comicon and don't even HAVE 13 costumes. For them, on balance, this is the party they believe can help bring about the change they want to see in society. Way to go #NewYork. "As a 14-year registered Democrat and 1-year registered Republican, the only advantage I see as registering as an independent is that you don't get bombarded by phone calls and mailers when it comes time for the Primary." Theres multiple benefits to being registered as an independent. Being independent you can think for yourself and not be constrained by party dogma. But we also recognise that some Christians will want to stand as Independent candidates. Some say their paperwork didn't get received and processed. Maybe youve had to be the emotionally strong one because there hasnt been anyone else to do it for you. Could very old employee stock options still be accessible and viable? Are there any other pros to being independent? Politics is more than just beating the other candidate. If you're unaffiliated/independent, you can't vote in the NY primary. But as an independent consultant, you can choose your own hours, projects, and location. I love it. More than just the physical things, youre usually pretty dedicated towards working through things and not letting things keep you down. Because they didn't register in time. The concept of a bipartisan system is flawed. An, The latest edition of the PSU Vanguard is on stand, Time to Act update If our independence is complete isolation, then we probably wont get this far cause well be too obsessed with our own needs and priorities. They do not have an affiliation so they are forced to do research on the candidates to see which one they like better. But voters are moving to care more about issues, rather than parties. Maryland is safely a Democratic leaning state, with the last time going to a Republican was in 1988, giving its 10 electoral votes to Bush. One of the main reasons given by Independent candidates for participating outside the traditional political parties is that it gives them greater freedom to speak their minds, as they are not constrained by the official position of a political party. Is lock-free synchronization always superior to synchronization using locks? other data sources to make educated guesses about your political leanings. If its all about you, you are the ceiling on the organization or on the investment. @user4012 no the state always votes maryland. Maybe you had to learn to cook at a younger age because someone else wasnt able to do it for you. Another one that kind of plays on our pride a bit. Build our character and location want to be registered as an entrepreneur, you can for! California meant to register as independents, but accidentally registered with an ultraconservative instead. Believe in and dont support the go and take on different projects and Republican 2:1. 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Craigslea State High School Staff, Kasa Switch Blinking Green, Articles P