once upon a time fanfiction henry hates regina

Also anyone upset about the carving of the R&J and her love of Jasper is obviously before she met Daniel. When Neal tells Emma he has a fiance, she claims to have a new boyfriend of her own, and blurts out the first fairytale name she can think of: Captain Hook. Once Upon A Time: 10 Most Hated Supporting Characters, Happy Days' Original Title Would've Killed The Classic Show, The Conners Just Made Jackies Andy Retcon Even More Confusing, Disneys Double Show Cancellation Hints At Big Disney+ Changes. Could she just remain Yin? They sit in an uncomfortable silence and Regina stares at her hands while Emma stares at her. Her selfishness will always taint her fandom-image. Once shes done, she distributes the salad in two big bowls and brings them over. I got halfway through this book, only to realize I was forcing myself to read it. Henry and Emma will be coming to visit again today and she cant meet Henry like this. Henry is her half younger brother. They havent hugged, like, ever so its a bit awkward. but i LOVED this. I thought the author did a great job capturing Regina's earlier self, it ends surprisingly sinister and was an insightful read into the woman she woul become. Regina frowned, Emma watched her, taking her hand and squeezing her fingers. Not to mention, Regina hasnt had the energy or willpower to get dressed and go outside. I was so mean to you. Then she waits. Emma slowly sits opposite her. So really, owning a phone is pretty useless for her. What happened? What should she say? It beats and beats and beats. Now, she has to eat. (1908). Regina quickly puts on her robe and flies downstairs and into her study. Rue swan is the daugther of Emma swan and Sirius Black. Disgusting thing. I've titled each chapter with its main pairing, time period and location. Regina looks up and groans. 10 year old Henry and 14 year old Annie know that Regina is not their real mother. Oh my God is right, Regina replies who feels equally mesmerized and kisses Emma again. I've meant to read this for quite some time and finally got to it last night. Chapter 4: The Evil Queen or My Mother. How long did you sleep?, Regina barks out a laugh. writing this genuinely gave me sm comfort for no reason. But no, she cant give up. Do you not want it?, Of course I do, Regina replies, offended. When Anastasia and Liam Kingsley were taken, they were severely injured but not dead. But OUAT just threw his character around left and right, almost as if on a whim. I didn't like the gingerbread house with the blind witch, another popular character in Once upon a time. Regina dreams of a son that hates her and a mother who was abusive but at the end of the day is now dead and gone forever. While it does fit with the story here, it does subtly change the story. Between Carl and Henry, no house has a chance of keeping them inside. Regina bursts out a laugh that immediately turns into a sob. The crocodile and the pirate, surely they were destined for doom? Your mom A stab of pain through her chest, and Mary Margaret A flash of anger, And notnot believing in you Emma trails off. OUAT fans really fell in love with Mulan, the series' first LGBTQ+ character. heyyy so i wanted to write swan queen so i came up w this. Now please, I beg you, shut up., Emma gawks at her. She has the sudden urge to rip out Snows heart. Overall, its enjoyable, and it is obvious that the writer knew the characters as presented by the show well. this was literally my longest one-shot yet :oplease know that if youre suffering youre not alone, reach out to someone <3anyway i hope you enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it~. I was just- worried.. I dont want to tell you, okay?, Okaaay, Emma says. I think fans of the show will like it and it probably would be alright as a stand alone work. Midway, Henry spots two of his friends and goes over to greet them. I actually-- She clears her throat awkwardly. It did not capture my attention and I found that the storyline was quite boring. 3.91. However, the author makes certain decisions with the story that twist things about a bit. I didnt tell Henry because I didnt wanna worry him more butyeah. Divergence AU in which Neal doesn't abandon Emma in "Tallahassee". She wears her coat and scarf and they set out. When two teens appear out of nowhere the peace of Storybrooke is broken yet again. How nice of you, much appreciated, Miss Swan, Regina says sarcastically. Cora is very controlling and manipulative when it comes to Regina, she'll do anything for her to be queen and find a proper suitor. I loved the idea of having a glimpse to 16yo Regina, but it felt short. No, Regina killed her own mother. I guess I'm just too old or something to read this type of book. My brother Henry was adopted into my family when I was young. Regina nods. I would love a second installment of this, perhaps showing that transition in more detail with the subsequent magic lessons, and of course, meeting Daniel. Henry Swan is ten years old and struggling because he does not know who his father is.Emma Swan is a good mother. Just not the story for me. However, on numerous occasions, images in other realms have been featured such as the Caterpillar as well as Jefferson in Wonderland. Neal is with him," she said. The three of them walk to Grannys and all the way through someone or the other gives Regina odd looks. But her thoughts wont leave her alone. Wendy Toliver. Except, unfortunately, because Lucy was also cursed, she was much more distracted and unsuccessful in her connections with Henry. For over a hundred years she was cursed into a magical slumber after being taken by her Great-Aunt, Dahlia Before Regina Mills became The Evil Queen, she had a daughter. I very much loved this book, as I do the show Once Upon A Time. Fans dislike her, but more importantly, they wish they could forget she ever joined OUAT. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Can I come in? Emma asks then. Both pages also feature the same excerpt from the fairy tale of "The Golden Bird", indicating that the same prop was used for the interior of both books. This is the story of Piper Jones, and how she fell in love with Peter Pan. Yin represents the night, female and the dark colors. When I first ordered this book and read it was about Regina's backstory it had me to intrigued. Stop being ridiculous, Regina tells herself sternly and pushes the bite into her mouth. Yes, King Arthur is a complex character in legends, depending on which story you're talking about. A Mark Twain character and a pretty bland young woman, Violet didn't really have the space to grow into an interesting, vibrant character. The walls and floor on the storybook page with the door, which Henry finds, have the same design as the inside of Jefferson's hat. It depicts a scene from the story "The Paradise of Children". Something. She sits in the tub and reads her book. It told some stories but didn't make you care any more or less about Regina than you did before. Now, Regina finally falls into a troubled and restless sleep. Im still mad at your mother, alright? All of which Regina knows is a lie. Suddenly, a light bulb goes off in her head. Regina cant help it, she lets out a chuckle. Emma and Killian finally have a life that they both can enjoy together without fighting the town's villains. Sorry, she whispers, more to herself than Regina. I dont know, she says honestly, I just woke up feeling horrible.. Part 1 Completed She tries. Okay then. "Yeah, I'm definitely going to have to keep you away from my friends this weekend. Nick Carraways need not apply. She can appreciate Emma dropping the topic. Regina feels tears leave her eyes. Emma nudges Regina. [female!ocxmale!oc] Regina, she warns. Regina rolls her eyes for the second time in the span of 2 minutes. Oh. She dresses in a white shirt dress and finishes off the look with a thin brown belt around the waist. Ten minutes later, when theres no reply, Regina decides to go get ready to take her mind off of it. Did you not wanna answer it again? Its a very poor attempt at a joke, Regina reads the anxiety through it easily. An apple? 218K 6.3K 72. Chicken salad, Emma replies instantly and turns to look at Regina and smile. Regina is introduced to Claire, and their friendship takes off right away. But Emma says, Thats okay, whenever youre ready, and kisses her again, and Reginas back in the present and lost in the feel of Emmas lips and hands on her. When Regina's new best friend Claire enters the story and is discovered to have magic, Regina convinces her to teach her so she can fight against her mother. Once Upon a Time (TV) (110) Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen (1) Once Upon a Time in Wonderland (TV) (1) Exclude Characters Evil Queen | Regina Mills (102) Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time) (101) Emma Swan (47) Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard (24) Prince Charming | David Nolan (20) Robin Hood (Once Upon a Time) (15) She settles in a booth and focuses on the menu, forcing herself to not look behind and trying to eavesdrop on Emmas conversation with her parents. Sixteen-year-old Regina is very different from the Regina known by fans of ABC's "Once Upon a Time." She seeks romance, adventure, and approval. Therefore, it's no surprise that fans absolutely abhor his ex-wife, Milah. Not wanting Regina to fall into continue in her younger footsteps, Cora tries everything possible, even magic, to keep her daughter as well rounded so that she can marry royal blood. Yesterday, her mother died. Desperate to save her family, Emma uses a dangerous spell in an attempt to create a weapon strong enough to defeat Zelena's army. Yeah, tell me about it, Regina wants to shout. Oh. I whispered in an attempt to sing one last time, and my hand reached up to press against my loves cheek, damp from his tears. Stephanie Marceau is a writer, advocate, gamer, and classic novel enthusiast. As per usual: Snow White. And shes only more aware of her thoughts. I enjoyed the show plot-holes it filled in finally, and while a few things bothered me and stuck out as questionable in face of the canon plot, overall I liked it. Regina swallows and manages to nod. I know, okay, trust me. But still. Oh my God, I am so sorry., Regina takes a step toward her. It was nice and hinted at things. I've seen one too many horrible representations of Cora in fanfic to make me doubtful. It first appears in the first episode of the first season. Yeah, it's all pretty gross and yikes. They weren't alone in Neverland. Well, for Henry, his first love came in the form of Violet Morgan. Regina watches her with intrigue. "Yang represents the sun, male and light colors. Now, she says. Even after everything, it beats. Regina rolls her eyes and walks back to the kitchen, setting down on the island to finish her yogurt. And sometimes, just sometimes, the beating feels right. We Shall Chide Downright, If I Longer Stay. Hook wants out. Regina picks up her phone and automatically, the lock screen lights up. Killian agrees to this ruse, but when feelings grow between the two, will the con be more than they can handle? Sick of everyone's lying,Emma goes to the one person her parents tell her to stay away from for answers,Maleficent.What if after finding out everything,she not only goes dark but falls for the dragon?WARNING:SOME EXPLICIT SCENES,G!P. And considering people found Henry a little annoying, it's immeasurable how annoying they found her, confused and unfocused. But Regina snaps, Dont you dare touch me, and Emma immediately pulls back her hand. Could she go on with her life without her own Yang? They reach Grannys and the bell jingles as they enter. So she marries the prince, and there you go, her happily ever after. Regina blinks at her. Happens when you're a womanizer way too ready to start angry mobs. "What Did She Find There But Real Ripe Strawberries", also from Little Brother & Little Sister and Other Tales By The Brothers Grimm. Chuckling, he shook his head. "Fairies Away! If Id just believed you, all of the drama couldve been prevented. This is the story of a terrible stupid curse, the story of its domino effect of consequences, and the story of how those consequences are tied like a noose around one woman's neck that is as binding as her being the mayor of a little fake town called Storybrooke. He was doomed to be a "most hated" side character the second he stepped on screen. This is supposed to be set in the medievalesque period, yet many times I felt like I was reading a Regency romance for teens with the mentions of all the society rules, certain food, and the existence of smoking rooms and parlors, such things didn't exist in the medieval period. Shes going to throw it away. . In "Snow Falls, the text has been replaced with a story about how Prince Charming set the trap for Snow White. Regina gets out of bed and makes a beeline for the bathroom. For Regina, friendships have always been a rare commodity. A classic story. I, um, no, its okay, but thank you.. Of all the out of place characters on this list, King Arthur might be the worst. As a huge fan of the series, especially Regina, I'm glad to have read it. Fa capolino Emma Swan, cacciatrice di taglie professionista; salvatrice di cani smarriti e persone solitarie . When Regina carved R&J into a tree I stopped. Interesting use of the forgetting potion. Read this a few years ago, and didn't like it. No, Regina whispers, but even as Emma leans in, Regina knows its a complete lie. Then they stand there awkwardly looking anywhere but at each other. So, I think most of my criticsm was in regards to disparities between this work and the larger fictional universe of the show. She sees her phone kept there as well. Emma shifts from one foot to another. Regina has been isolated in her palace on the edge of the Enchanted Forest. When Neal and Killian Jones clear their slate and start again as father and son, Rumple is forced to confront the idea that maybe he doesnt despise the pirate as hed always coerced himself into believing. Who would be here? Regina jerks her head in a nod and goes to the kitchen. Mad Queen, Mad Whale, and Jefferson/Priscilla, with some Gen thrown in. Some scenes, like that of the blue fairy, seemed perfect. Why werent you answering your phone again today? She feels at ease after a long, long time. It beats and beats and beats. He may have started a kid, but he became a teen and, eventually, left the town once he graduated high school. Dr. Jekyl didn't fit into the magical OUATworld, he was a random add-in very late into the game, he didn't accomplish much, and he was a weak, pretty unnecessary villain. anvasyuta511, BloodyRedApples, Selyns_Eureka, badwolfkaily, Kabota, Vladdie19, Onewhoknows, DreMoInkz, Dafy_1, simonapietra, CrazyCatLady145, Madiloverofwomen, SalyLockheart, booooooooooomgoesthedynamiite, Araaabellaaa_mills_1999, WP_ShadowFawkes, Koverstreet, Malexander8, Silvestra913, nathy67, SamanthaGay, sapphicday_dreams, kuroneko22, IrishBella, 1985Reader0909, superlot, Snowflake_011, and EvalQueen96 tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Canon divergence from after Snow tricks Regina into killing Cora. She stares at their adjoined hands in silence. After Reginas sixteenth birthday, Cora invited a tavern girl from a nearby village to live in a cottage near their palace. A once upon a time fanfiction with henry's twin sister. After that, Emma stares at Reginas book thats kept on the table for a few seconds then asks, You were reading?. Regina nods. He knows the way, and he knows how to use his mom's credit card (courtesy of his journey to find Emma two years ago). No matter how kind she is, she did get in the way of Regina's happiness for way too long. Snow White and Prince Charming: the power couple of the Enchanted Forest. Regina sits and Emma works in silence. She just had the worst time the second she joined the show. Now answer the question., Yes! Regina replies, Ive slept, and drank water, and eaten. It might not have the same impact if you are unfamiliar with the show. Regina, Emma sighs, as if greatly relieved, and she moves forward like shes gonna hug Regina but Regina takes a step back and Emma stops in her tracks. And Emma seems to notice it because she pauses and looks back. Regina sighs heavily. Finally, she settles on simply eating an apple. Regina meets the horrible prince Benjamin, he is quite repulsive. The next morning, Regina gets out of bed, quickly brushes her teeth, takes a quick shower, and dresses in a gray dress with a golden belt. Yeah, I can see that. A real smile. Her, and her mother Jacinda, but she counts more as a main character. Regina opens her mouth and then shuts it. Henry's Once Upon a Time Book, commonly referred to as Henry's Book or simply The Book, is an item featured on ABC's Once Upon a Time. Worse, he dared have a one-night stand with Snow White ad always creepily flirt with the ladies of the town.

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