hungary no longer a democracy

Grafikon pokazuje da je Maarska, poevi od razine Poljske, postupno sila u istu kategoriju kao i srpska demokracija, dok se stanje u Poljskoj takoer znaajno pogoralo. Najzanimljivije mi je da je potpredsjednik EU-a za transparentnost i vrijednosti prije samo tjedan dana taj isti zakon oznaio kao dio 'temeljnih naela' Europske unije. Also, the Bundesliga will restart in the second half of May. The report states that Hungary continues to move away from the basic values of the European Union, and that instead of a full-fledged democracy, in 2022 the term electoral autocracy is more suitable for it. Hungary can no longer be considered a full democracy, the European Parliament said in a statement following its adoption of a report on Thursday. Serbias Finance Minister Sinisa Mali told a press conference on Wednesday (6 May) that his countrys finances were stable, as it has been preparing for a worse global scenario than predicted, and that he even expects Serbia to post GDP growth this year. A semi-consolidated democracy. Eklatantna manipulacija INJENICOM, njeno preokretanje, potaknuto pojedincima i zemljama lanicama Europske unije, koje su kroz tu ulagale interese, pontifikirajui tamonje pozicije svojim debelim novanicima. The vote was largely symbolic and does not change the course of EU decision-making, which requires unanimity of all 27 member states including Hungary to adopt positions on major issues, such as sanctions on Russia. Hungary by now is no longer a democracy and Poland is rapidly moving in the same direction, warns the professor of politics and law. "This text is yet another attempt by the federalist European political parties to attack Hungary and its Christian-democratic, conservative government for ideological reasons," they wrote. Lusa.pts Patrcia Cunha and Ana Matos Neves, the government had closed the border after sending a notification letter to the European Commission invoking Article 23 of Schengen Border Codex. It is understood that the governments stay at home, save lives message could also be scrapped. It follows a series of similarly blatant power-grabs that suggest that Mr. Orban no longer feels obliged to moderate his actions. ago It's Orbin time! injenica da je Maarska u kratkom vremenu pala u dvije kategorije je bez presedana u povijesti izvjea koje se redovito objavljuje ve 25 godina. It was more urgent than ever for the Parliament to take this stance, considering the alarming rate at which rule of law is backsliding in Hungary. Meteen naar document. "Any further delay to such action would amount to a breach of the rule of law principle by the Council itself," MEPs warn. Orbnova vlada odbacuje tvrdnje Freedom Housea 'financiranog od Sorosa' da Maarska vie nije demokracija (Hungary Today). Reacting to the news, Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbn said he found it "funny. (Karla Junicic,, Three opposition parties call for bike protests. MEPs voted 433 in favour, 123 against, to now describe Hungary ruled by populist Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who maintains close ties to Russian President Jack Russell bivi stanovnik SAD-a rjeito izraava nezadovoljstvo koje osjeaju MNOGI ljudi koji sada ive u Sjedinjenim Dravama. According to EIU, Hungarys overall democracy ratingbased on a 0-10 scale comprising measures of the electoral process and pluralism, government function, political participation, political culture, and civil libertiesdeclined from 7.53 in 2006 to Citing international indexes, MEPs said Hungary can no longer be considered a full democracy. It has routinely blocked joint statements, decisions and events, ranging from high-level NATO meetings with Ukraine to an EU vote on corporate tax and a common EU position on an Israeli-Palestinian cease-fire. Hungary can no longer be considered a democracy, and European values are under systemic threat in the country, the European Parliament declared in a report adopted on Thursday. The lack of action by EU institutions including the commission, which acts as guardian of the EU treaties enshrining democratic standards, had exacerbated the degradation, said the report. Szijjarto also said that Hungarian voters had decided in four parliamentary elections in a row what kind of future they want for the country by electing Orban and his party. Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield (Greens/EFA, FR), Parliaments rapporteur on the situation in Hungary, said: The conclusions of this report are clear and irrevocable: Hungary is not a democracy. After European leaders repeatedly proved unwilling to punish Mr. Orban for past misdemeanors, Orban sees a window of opportunity, said Daniel Hegedus, an expert on Hungarian politics at the German Marshall Fund of the United States, a research group. (ukasz Gadzaa | Besides breaches of fundamental rights, the report also says there has been "limited" action against corruption in Hungary, clientelism and nepotism in public administration, as well as deficiencies in public procurement. BUDAPEST When the Hungarian government coerced the Central European University, a leading college in Budapest, into shutting some of its At the press conference, Health Minister Hugo de Jonge and Prime Minister Mark Rutte also announced that certain contact professions such as hairdressers could start working again provided they respect the 1.5-metre rule, while adults will be allowed to practice no-contact outdoor sports, such as tennis and golf. After state television channels failed to broadcast more than a few fleeting clips of recent anti-Orban demonstrations, a group of opposition lawmakers visited their headquarters last week to request some airtime. Tehnika pohrana ili pristup koji se koristi iskljuivo u statistike svrhe. Hungary can no longer be considered a full democracy, the European parliament has said in a powerful symbolic vote against Viktor Orbns government. See inside for more. The problem is not the lack of legal instruments, but the lack It is a recurrent paradox of Mr. Orbans rule: Despite all the steps he has taken to erode the Hungarian democratic process, Mr. Orban has rarely allowed his government to get its way by blatant force. Srbija, Crna Gora i druge balkanske zemlje bile su kritizirane na slian nain zbog opadanja standarda u upravljanju, izborima i slobodi medija. (Zoran Radosavljevic | Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen said on Wednesday, in her State of the European Union address to the European Parliament, that the EU must fight for our democracies. This decision was supported Ako mi plati dovoljno novca, mogu rei to eli. For Mr. Orban, democracy depends primarily on the occurrence of elections, rather than on the separation of powers or the vibrancy of public discourse. The motion passed with 433 MEPs voting in It described Hungary as a hybrid regime of electoral autocracy in serious breach of EU democratic norms. Bulgarian authorities allowed travelling between cities, made the wearing of masks in open spaces no longer obligatory. But the vote, which came during a plenary session in Strasbourg, France, doesnt impose any penalty on Orbans government, nor does it bind other EU countries into taking any particular actions. Like Trump now Moja miljenja s potovanjem odbacuju ona iz irokih arena, unutar Maarske Europe i globalno, da smo mi, kao drava, krivi za kontinuirano demokratsko raspadanje ili demokratsko nazadovanje. Here are the Best German Onlyfans you just have to check out right now. Dakle, ako elite, mogu rei da ste najpametniji ovjek u Africi. , which is regularly updated with the help of our network of offices and media partners. In other news, as many as 40% of all COVID-19 fatalities in Croatia, or 34 of 83, are residents of nursing homes whom the system failed to protect, daily newspaper Jutarnji list reported, adding that Social Policy Minister Vesna Bedekovic has been attempting to dodge responsibility for the tragedy in Split where 18 fatalities occurred. Prime Minister Janez Jana responded with a. saying: Let it be known who is calling for a violation of the law on infectious diseases and thus endangering the health and lives of our people. A collective immunity study conducted by the Czech Health Ministry shows that the number of unreported coronavirus cases in the Czech Republic is low as well as the level of immunisation. The country experienced the largest drop ever recorded in the Nations in Transit report, as it was downgraded from a semi-consolidated democracy to a hybrid regime this year. Brussels [Belgium], September 16 (ANI): Slamming the Hungarian government for its deliberate and systemic efforts to undermine democratic values, European Parliament said that the country can no longer be a full democracy, but is rather an electoral autocracy, as per a press release of the EUs law-making body. EURACTIV Serbia reports. Immunity level: very low. Many observers have interpreted Hungarys Enabling Act as the end of Hungarian democracy. For her, those who oppose this regularisation should take responsibility for letting foodstuff rot in the fields, as these migrant labourers are needed to cope with harvesting. Hungary is scheduled to hold parliamentary elections by April 2022 at the latest. LMS president and former PM Marjan arec said on Twitter that he expects quite a crowd at Republic Square, the biggest square in Ljubljana, the Vecer newspaper has reported. Prema godinjem izvjeu Freedom Housea, #Maarska se pomaknula dalje od #demokracije i postala 'hibridni reim' They have rarely, if ever, pursued corruption allegations against Mr. Orban and his ministers and even if they did, few would hear about it. Until then, a certificate confirming a negative COVID-19 test, which is no older than four days, will have to be presented at the border. But for some critics of Mr. Orban, his regime can be understood not by redefining the meaning of democracy, but through updating our understanding of autocracy. After being one of the three democratic frontrunners as of 2005, in 2020 it became the first country to descend by two regime categories and leave the group of democracies entirely, the report states. That adds up. He said he was astonished that some in Brussels and Strasbourg insisted on belittling his country, he added. On-the-ground reporting - Can it help to combat Russias disinformation war? Hungary can 'no longer be considered a full democracy,' says EU Parliament Hungary can "no longer be considered a full democracy," the European Parliament said in a statement following its adoption of a report on Thursday. The Southern Interconnection envisages the connecting of the gas supply pipelines between Croatia, Herzegovina and central Bosnia and would ensure diversification of Bosnia and Herzegovinas gas provision, which currently depends on Russian gas supplies. Johnson is expected to give a national address on Sunday to outline plans for the next stage of the lockdown, and is expected to slightly relax rules on exercise and social contact. WebThat's a strange title, makes it look like they labeled Hungary is a non democracy themselves out of malice or something. Dutch PM presents lockdown roadmap for the next months. Parliament condemns the deliberate and systematic efforts of the Hungarian government to undermine European values and demands results in the Article 7 process. The number of people who have died from a coronavirus infection in France increased by 278 to reach 25,809 on Wednesday (6 May), just 8 fewer than Spain, whose death toll is now 25,817, some restrictions on social life will be relaxed sooner than initially expected. The Southern Interconnection envisages the connecting of the gas supply pipelines between Croatia, Herzegovina and central Bosnia and would ensure diversification of Bosnia and Herzegovinas gas provision, which currently depends on Russian gas supplies. Zaista MORATE ispraviti svoje injenice prije nego to bilo to napiete u javnoj areni, inae e ljudi ZANEMARITI sve to je objavljeno u vae ime i gledati vas 'MARIO'- kao nita vie od crtanog lika u stiliziranoj odjei vodoinstalatera. Now we know that we no longer fund the destruction of democracy with European funds' @daniel_freund . to outline plans for the next stage of the lockdown, and is expected to slightly relax rules on exercise and social contact. This should be a wake-up call for the Council and Commission., Direct access to language menu (press "Enter"), Direct access to search menu (press "Enter"), MEPs: Hungary can no longer be considered a full democracy, The situation has deteriorated such that Hungary has become an electoral autocracy, EU inaction exacerbated the backslide; recovery funds should be withheld until the country complies with EU recommendations and court rulings, Lack of progress in the Article 7 process would amount to a rule of law breach by the Council, Parliament's report shows how the Hungarian government's deliberate efforts have resulted in an "electoral autocracy" Attila KISBENEDEK/AFP, Video recording of the debate (14.09.2022), Press conference (14.09.2022) with Gwendoline DELBOS-CORFIELD (Greens/EFA,FR), rapporteur, Isabel WISELER-LIMA(EPP, LU), Bettina VOLLATH (S&D, AU), Ramona STRUGARIU (Renew, RO) and Malin BJRK (The Left, SV), Hungary: member states have an obligation to end attacks on EU values (13.07.2022), MEPs demand more EU action to protect common values in Hungary and Poland (05.05.2022), Rule of law in Hungary: MEPs conclude three-day trip to assess the situation (01.10.2021), European Parliament vehemently opposed to Hungarian anti-LGBTIQ law (08.07.2021), Parliament demands a legally binding, effective mechanism to protect EU values (07.10.2020), Rule of law concerns: how the EU can act (infographic), Free photos, video and audio material (rule of law in Hungary), Parliament triggered the Article 7 procedure, refrain from approving the Hungarian RRF plan, Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield (Greens/EFA, FR), exclude from funding those cohesion programmes contributing to the misuse of EU funds or to breaches of the rule of law; and. Web'Finally last year there was a decision to freeze funding to #Hungary using the rule of law tool. Districts with an outbreak that has a clear and contained chain of infection, such as in hospitals or retirement homes, will be exempt from reinstating restrictions. What they call a loosening of measures now we have had since the first day of the state of emergency banks, offices, construction, shops have not stopped working, Borissov said. We are a few steps ahead of all other European countries. WebEU lawmakers voted on Thursday to no longer view Hungary, a European country and an EU member state, as a democracy. Ako imate dovoljno novca da mi platite, mogu promijeniti svoje miljenje. G. Orban je rekao da nastoji pronai najbolji nain da organizira maarsku dravu kako bi je uinio konkurentnijom: Danas svijet pokuava razumjeti sustave koji nisu zapadni, nisu liberalni, moda ak nisu ni demokracije, ali su uspjeni , rekao je i samo kao primjer naveo Singapur, Kinu, Indiju, Rusiju i Tursku. Ovu regiju takoer mogu okarakterizirati napadi na neovisnost pravosua, prijetnje civilnom drutvu i izborne manipulacije, to je rezultiralo demokratskim slomom. BUDAPEST When the Hungarian government coerced the Central European University, a leading college in Budapest, into shutting some of its operations in December, it did not do so by threat of physical force. Freedom House je tretirao Maarsku zajedno s dijelom Balkana (Bosna i Hercegovina, Srbija, Kosovo, Crna Gora, Albanija, Sjeverna Makedonija), Ukrajinom, Moldavijom i Gruzijom. Hungarys Premier Viktor Orban belittled the European Parliament on Friday, saying a report by the legislative body that stated his nation was no longer a Te kategorije su sljedee: Svaka zemlja dobiva ocjenu demokracije, to je prosjek sedam pokazatelja. European Union lawmakers on Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022 said that Hungary's nationalist government is deliberately trying to undermine the bloc's democratic values and they deplored the failure of the 26 other EU countries to take action that would bring the country back into line. Te zemlje ine srednju kategoriju oznaenu kao 'prijelazni ili hibridni reim'. will review the UKs coronavirus lockdown on Thursday, after Prime Minister Boris Johnson suggested that some rules could be eased from Monday (11 May). EU institutions need to act and must also be held accountable. Vizija i planovi premijera Victora Orbana i njegove vlade postignua u proteklom desetljeu bila su izvanredna. And thats not democracy., If Mr. Orban diverges from the fascist template, it is largely because he does not have a Gestapo, Mr. Stanley said. Instead, the Orban government quietly changed the rules by which all foreign universities like C.E.U. Nikada nisam doivio kontrolu na cesti za vonju u pijanom stanju, vozaku dozvolu i dokaz o osiguranju u Maarskoj. Mi smo kao Rusija! Ukrainians are coming! Croatia is among the five EU member states where economic activity is expected to return to 2019 fourth-quarter level by the end of next year, European Commissioner for Economy, Paolo Gentiloni, said on Wednesday. Dok neki graani bivih zemalja pod komunistikom dominacijom smatraju Sjedinjene Drave idealnim mjestom za ivot, runa istina je sasvim drugaija. (eljko Trkanjec |, [Edited by Daniel Eck, Zoran Radosavljevic, Benjamin Fox]. With their vote, the EU lawmakers endorsed a parliamentary report that said Hungary had been backsliding on democratic and fundamental rights since 2018 through the deliberate and systematic efforts of the Hungarian government. State media, meanwhile, is entirely loyal to Mr. Orban. Hungary has become the first EU member state to leave the club of democracies, according to the US-based NGO Freedom House. Umjesto da 'krivi istinu' kako bi opravdao svoje pritube, moda bi trebao jednostavno 'zagristi metak' kao to je Jack uinio i PRESELITI SE. Any action must be approved by the member countries, and this requires a qualified majority, which amounts to 55% of the 27 members representing at least 65% of the total EU population. WebSecond, they sell the idea that their crimes and a lack of democracy are ok, because their opponents are evil and anti-wherever (anti-Hungarian, anti German, anti Chinese) agents working to destroy the collective society. Members of the European Parliament voted for a document that recognizes that Hungary can no longer be considered a democracy. By Benjamin Abtan It is now a fact: Hungary is no longer a democracy. Blanket testing took place at the end of April on 27.000 participants, of whom only 107 had antibodies to COVID-19. The LMS, SD and Levica have called for anti-government protests on wheels every Friday. Freedom House: Hungary No Longer a Full-Fledged Democracy. Their response on Thursday came after MEPs voted 433 in favour, 123 against, in favour of the resolution. Primjer kada netko leti u SAD izvan zemlje su granine i carinske kontrole u amerikim zranim lukama. The farming sector and the Catholic church are crying out for these measures, while the opposition, led by anti-migrant party Lega, is firmly against it. Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary at a meeting of the European Peoples Party in Helsinki, Finland, last month. 433 Members of the European Parliament (MEP) voted in favor of the resolution, 123 voted against it, and 28 abstained. In theory, the mechanism can lead to Hungary losing its right to vote in the Council of the EU, where member states adopt decisions affecting the bloc. But now we see it as a joke.". The vote is the latest in a series of showdowns between the EUs institutions and Orbans government in Budapest. Ministers will review the UKs coronavirus lockdown on Thursday, after Prime Minister Boris Johnson suggested that some rules could be eased from Monday (11 May). "The situation in Hungary has dramatically degraded,"Delbos-Corfield told Euronews the day before the vote. Hungary is in the European Union, and yet Prime Minister Viktor Orban has faced little blowback from Brussels after a decade of dismantling democratic institutions. The blocs executive arm, the European Commission, is expected to announce Sunday that it is prepared to suspend payments of some EU money to Hungary over its alleged violations. Although she did not name Hungary directly in this context, she pledged legislative action to step up the fight against corruption, including against illicit enrichment, trafficking in influence and abuse of power. The Parliament's report urges the Commission to refrain from approving the recovery plan until all rule-of-law reforms are put in place and prevent funding for cohesion projects that might entail legal breaches. Johannes Hahn, the European Commissioner for budget, has proposed a 70% cut in Hungary's funding if the government fails to implement the necessary measures to strengthen democratic standards and effectively fight corruption. Maarska, imamo slobode kupljene intelektualnim predvianjem i vizijom naeg premijera Victora Orbana i njegove vlade i stranke one su, u kontinuiranom procesu prijeko potrebne reforme demokracije 21. stoljee i ire, to e nas pokrenuti u desetljea neovisnosti, samopouzdanja i prosperiteta. G. Stephen King, premijer VO je rekao da je njegov cilj stvoriti neliberalnu dravu. Participatory Budgeting: How can it strengthen democracy and empower communities in the EU? "The Commission needs to be serious on the real changes we need.". Timely-Marzipan2049 20 hr. Johnson is expected to give a national address on Sunday. Now we know that we no longer fund the destruction of democracy with European funds' @daniel_freund . "My recommendation [for the Commission] would be not to be fooled by pretended reforms," saidDelbos-Corfield. For years, Mr. Orban was satisfied with infringing judicial independence through a series of incremental measures. Freedom House je optuio sadanju vladu za "centralizaciju moi, nakrivljavanje izbornog terena, preuzimanje velikog dijela medija i uznemiravanje kritinih organizacija civilnog drutva". A full suspension of EU funds is unlikely. Demokracija neprestano se reformira. EURACTIVs Pekka Vnttinen, griculture Minister Teresa Bellanova has threatened to resign if the government does not regularise the stay of over 600,000 illegal migrants working on Italian farms. Spremite moje ime, e-potu i web mjesto u ovaj preglednik za sljedei put kad komentiram. (Zuzana Gabriov | In their resolution, MEPs point the finger directly at Prime Minister Viktor Orbn, who has been in power since 2010, and condemn his government's "deliberate and systematic efforts" to undermine the EU's core values. 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Until recently, he tried to leave private news media with at least a veneer of autonomy, preferring to let loyalist businessmen take over troublesome outlets instead of placing them under a more blatant and centralized system of government control. The European Parliament in 2018 launched a procedure against the risk Hungary posed to European democratic values. Viktor Orban, the far-right prime minister of Hungary, never jailed a C.E.U. In response to reports suggesting that Slovakias strict border regime implemented since the lockdown does not have sufficient legal standing, Interior Minister Roman Mikulec (OaNO) said the government had closed the border after sending a notification letter to the European Commission invoking Article 23 of Schengen Border Codex. FILE - European Parliament members meet in a plenary session on Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2022, in Strasbourg, eastern France. Before you start reading todays edition, feel free to have a look at the article entitled EU and Western Balkan leaders reaffirm ties in veiled response to China, Russia, written by EURACTIVs reporters Alexandra Brzozowski and Vlagyiszlav Makszimov. While stores can open as planned next week Monday (11 May), some restrictions on social life will be relaxed sooner than initially expected, Belgiums National Security Council (CNS) said, giving the green light to the second phase of deconfinement measures, known as 1B. How the AI Act could unintentionally impact access to healthcare, Advancing equity in access to rare disease care through the ERNs: a conversation with experts, European Health Union to Strike the Balance between Free Movement of Health Workforce and Universal Health Coverage, Inclusive budgets: giving everyone a seat at the table. Web'Finally last year there was a decision to freeze funding to #Hungary using the rule of law tool. The authoritarian rule Hungary Prime Minister Viktor Orban, pictured at the White House on May 13, 2019, was cited by the report Wednesday as the reason the nation has seen a breakdown of democracy. WebEU lawmakers declare that Hungary is no longer a democracy apnews Vote 6 6 Comments Best Add a Comment YourDamnRightItIs 4 min. In addition to this, Hungary remains the only member state without an approved COVID-19 recovery plan. The country experienced the largest drop ever recorded in the. While all stores will be allowed to re-open and members of one household may now meet members of another in public after only being able to go out with members of their household, protective face masks remain obligatory in shops and on public transport. Tehnika pohrana ili pristup koji se koristi iskljuivo u anonimne statistike svrhe. Led byGwendoline Delbos-Corfield, a French MEP who sits with the Greens, the report examinesthe developments that have taken place in Hungarysince the hemicycle triggered the Article 7 procedure in 2018. The lawmakers said that Hungary which its populist Prime Minister Viktor Orban characterizes as an illiberal democracy has left behind many of the democratic values of the bloc. Technological advances in healthcare - The key to fighting health inequalities? If a government prevents the public from accessing true information, he said, through a propaganda system that lies to everyone in the country, then everyone will vote for the supreme leader every time. The text includes the draft of a potential Council proposal stating that there is a clear risk of a serious breach by Hungary of the values on which the Union is founded. The post European Parliament brands Hungary as no longer a democracy appeared first on Politico. Kad netko leti u Budimpetu, nikad nisam doivio vie od nekoliko minuta nagovetaja na kontroli putovnica i nikad nisam vidio vie od aice ljudi na carini. The Parliament "expresses deep regret that the lack of decisive EU action has contributed to a breakdown in democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights in Hungary, turning the country into a hybrid regime of electoral autocracy," the interim report reads. It concluded that the European values are currently under threat in Hungary and thus, it is no longer a democratic country. Meteen naar document. A vote in the EU Parliament declared that Hungary was no longer a "full" democracy, but an electoral autocracy. His strategies do in fact fit the patterns of the past, said Jason Stanley, a Yale professor and the author of How Fascism Works, a book that explores how contemporary leaders, including Mr. Orban, use fascist ideologies and tactics to expand their power and appeal. Better prepared than for the 2008 financial crisis. Some EU lawmakers have expressed concerns that if Italys far right wins the countrys Sept. 25 election it could be difficult to establish that majority. Puka buka. For other critics of Mr. Orban, there is no need to update ones definition of autocracy to understand the nature of his regime. At a time when EU values are especially under threat by the Russian war against Ukraine and its anti-EU actions, they also call on the Commission to: Independence of the judiciary, corruption and human freedoms remain key EPs concerns. professor or ordered the university to close by government decree. Polukonsolidirani autoritarni reim: 1833. Postoji destruktivni destabilizacijski proces obmanjujuih neistina i aluzija, izmiljotina je istine ili faktorski stvarne okolnosti onoga to tamonji otrovni likovi predstavljaju. The European Parliament no longer considers Hungary a full-fledged democracy and recognizes it as an "electoral autocracy" due to the actions of the Hungarian government and its prime minister, Viktor Orbn, the EU Parliament declared in a statement issued on Sept. 15. Bulgarias anti-coronavirus measures will be tightened again if the country records more than 100 new COVID-19 infections per day, said Bulgarian PM Boyko Borissov. It is understood that the governments stay at home, save lives message could also be scrapped. Su kritizirane na slian nain zbog opadanja standarda u upravljanju, izborima i slobodi medija Hungary ). Antibodies to COVID-19 or something follows a series of similarly blatant power-grabs that suggest that Orban. In Strasbourg, eastern France srbija, Crna Gora i druge balkanske zemlje bile kritizirane. A powerful symbolic vote against Viktor Orbns government voted 433 in favour, 123 against in! 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